Yoga I – Introduction to Yoga
Yoga 1 is offered as a 5-session course meeting weekly. Take this course if you are a beginner or if you are reestablishing your yoga practice. You will benefit from small class sizes and individual attention.
Receive a step-by-step introduction to the theory and practice of classical Yoga, emphasizing the 5 points of perfect health: proper breathing, proper exercise, proper diet, proper relaxation, meditation and positive thinking.
You will also learn most of the 12 basic asanas, the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) and basic pranayama. Explore the postures in detail, learn their benefits and practice accurately, with plenty of relaxation time.
The course will help you understand the system that is followed in all of our All-Levels classes.
Benefits of the Course
- Expanded view of what Yoga is
- A well-rounded Hatha Yoga routine
- Ideal preparation for drop-in classes
- A solid foundation for practice at home
- Focus on individual attention
To support you in establishing your yoga practice, while enrolled in the course, take as many open classes as you like, free of charge (All-Levels, Beginner and Gentle).
Call the Center for future class start dates. Courses form as there is demand. Five more sessions in a Yoga 2 course will establish your foundation.
Duration: 5 sessions, once per week, 90 minutes each
Tuition: $125
For now, Yoga 1 and 2 are only available online, through the Los Angeles Center.