Meditation Courses
Meditation 1 is a 5-session introduction to the basic guidelines and conditions for classical yogic meditation. Participants will study the mechanics of the mind and how to calm the mind and turn inward for Self-awareness. Learn to withdraw the senses and to take distance from the sensual world of objects which create desires, discontentment and restlessness in an endless pursuit of external happiness. Get support to set up a regular practice of your own.
A 5-session continuation of guidelines and conditions for classical yogic meditation, Meditation 2 takes you deeper in your meditation practice by understanding your mind, the root of your thoughts and emotions. Learn how to uplift your thoughts. Included are ethical principles from the eight limbs of Yoga, Raja Yoga Sutras and mantras.
Duration: 5 sessions, once per week, 90 minutes each
Tuition: $125
Recommended books for meditation courses:
Meditation and Mantras by Swami Vishnudevananda and The Sivananda Book of Meditation (Available at our boutique)
For now, this course is only available online, through the Los Angeles Center.